How often do you rebase the trends portfolio?
Hedge Cat17 октября 23 г. | Posted in general
Is there a way to know when the portfolio is being rebased and how its composition changes over time? I want to track when new stocks are added to the portfolio or removed.
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The Warrior Trader29 октября 23 г.
I vote this post, it would be a key metric to keep in mind the evolution of rebalancing and portfolio composition over time. Also understanding what was the maximum exposure in terms of amount of assets in the portfolio also is critical. I hope this feature is implemented soon, it would definitely be of great help to everyone .
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Dmitry Shevchenko29 октября 23 г.
It's been about three months since the last Trends portfolio rebalance, so we've updated it with the latest data. Here's a quick note on the changes.