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Farshad11 января 25 г. | Posted in general
On simplysafe dividend website the annual dividend yield for my protfolio shows 1.98% and here it should over 13%, its completely off, not sure who to believe.
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Dmitry Shevchenko11 января 25 г.


Could you share your portfolio so we can take a look? You can reach out to our support team at support@portfolioslab.com, and we’ll investigate if there are any issues on our side.

Farshad11 января 25 г.
Its public the name of the portfolio is Best
Farshad11 января 25 г.
Or maybe on the other website its actually getting information from my broker and it connected and here I have added them manually, so the calculation matter how much dividend I have recieved actually, not sure
Dmitry Shevchenko12 января 25 г.
Hmm, I don’t see anything immediately off. The portfolio includes several income ETFs with double-digit distribution yields, so it’s not surprising that it might achieve a total yield of 10% or more. Have you been holding the exact same portfolio, with all 100+ holdings equally allocated, for at least 12 months?
Farshad12 января 25 г.
I am really not sure boss, but I look at the info provided by your site and have trust in it, what ever the dividend yield it shows, so that I dont have to calculate right, but the only difference is that the best portfolio is manually added, its not connected to my broker. On the other site its connected to the broker and it syncs night, so not sure. The stocks and ETF's are the same.
Dmitry Shevchenko14 января 25 г.

Yeah, it's hard to say. To provide a more accurate answer, we need to look into details, as multiple factors could contribute to differences in dividend yield figures. There might be discrepancies in data sources for dividend calculations. On PortfoliosLab, we rely on dividend data feed from our data provider that contains gross figures, whereas your brokerage might export dividend data net of taxes and other deductions. Or there might be differences in the methodology. For example, we calculate dividend yield based on the total dividend value paid over the past 12 months, but others might calculate forward dividend yield or use annualization. Dividends might be reinvested, making them appear differently in transactions. The portfolios themselves must also be identical. The public portfolio you’ve shared is equally weighted, but the actual allocation might have varied over the past year. If you added or removed positions during the year, that would also impact the results. Transactional portfolios are more precise in this regard, so it may be worth importing your transactions instead of using a static allocation if your goal is to obtain a precise dividend yield figure.

As you can see, there are many possible reasons for discrepancies across platforms. I haven’t noticed anything immediately unusual on our website. However, as mentioned earlier, our support team is happy to assist further if needed. Please note that additional information might be required for a deeper investigation.

G V14 января 25 г.

I am confused as well.

I just came across this website. "It's very nice and shiny, but does it work and will it help me?", is what I wonder with every new one I come across. So here I am, checking it out. ...and I find it WANTING; or, at least, I find myself confused. And if that is the conclusion I come to, in the end, and it's the only one I may have, then it would logically lead me to NOT use your site nor recommend it to others... if data, any data, is inaccurate or confusing.

I presume you'd prefer I DO use your site, so I have a question for you.

Your calculations for dividend yield appear to be WAY OFF for this offering. I have looked elsewhere, in many spots, including the providers own site and even they do not agree with your metrics. According to the information I have, TD Canadian Equity Index ETF (TTP.TO) pays out QUARTERLY not monthly and its current dividend is 2.8% NOT the 11.54% stated here. That info is directly from the providers own page. Yahoo Finance agrees, telling us that TTP had four distributions in 2024 totalling 72 cents, far from the $3.26 you have posted. So, what gives? What is it that I am missing?

Dmitry Shevchenko15 января 25 г.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. There was an error in the dividend data, but we’ve reached out to our data provider, and it has already been corrected. The recalculated dividend yield for the mentioned ETF is 2.56%.



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