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Getting Historical Performance - capped by available data?

Silverback15 августа 24 г. | Posted in general
It seems that earliest start date for the historical performance is limited by the available data on the stock or ETF. For example, if you include PLTR or FSELX in the portfolio, the historical data will only go back a max of 4 years. Including GLDM caps the historical data to a max of 6 years. Is there any way to insert null values in the calculation for any stocks that do not have the data within the chosen historical timeframe?
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Dmitry Shevchenko20 августа 24 г.
Maybe a transactional portfolio would work for you. You can add a buy transaction for the first security at its inception date and then add the second security at its inception. This way, your portfolio will be 100% allocated to the first security initially, and then the allocation will be split between the two.
Silverback27 августа 24 г.
A way around this is to choose another stock that correlates. For example, I used GLD for GLDM and it works fine. Thanks



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