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Basis of calculations: historical or modelled?

Luca12 ноября 23 г. | Posted in general


I am new to Portfolioslab. I cannot find any statement describing whether returns and heat maps of users' and lazy's portfolios are based on actual historical data, or are simply modelled on the basis of current portfolio composition.

I would greatly appreciate a clarification.


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Dmitry Shevchenko13 ноября 23 г.

Hi Luca,

Welcome to Portfolioslab! The portfolio returns and any other calculations on our platform are based on actual historical prices. Since we don't model the data, you might notice that some portfolio's performance, for example, might be cut off at a certain date due to the availability of historical data. Keep in mind, though, that past performance doesn't always predict future results.

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions.

fixxxer006 февраля 24 г.

Sorry I'm newish to all of this, but I think I have the same question as the OP - but don't think if I follow the answer.

Since the Trends portfolio is re-balanced quarterly, when you look back at historic performance over say 10 years - does that show the actual results of the Trends portfolio as it has changed and been rebalanced quarterly? OR is it just the 10 year history of the current portfolio holdings looking back as if you held this exact quarters composition for the last 10 years?

Further question, if it is really tracking the results as funds are added, removed, and rebalanced each quarter, how long has this Trends portfolio existed (ie. what was the inception date)?




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