Compare and contrast key facts about Vanguard Commodity Strategy Fund Admiral Shares (VCMDX) and iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG).
VCMDX is managed by Vanguard. It was launched on Jun 25, 2019. GSG is a passively managed fund by iShares that tracks the performance of the S&P GSCI Total Return Index. It was launched on Jul 21, 2006.
Scroll down to visually compare performance, riskiness, drawdowns, and other indicators and decide which better suits your portfolio: VCMDX or GSG.
Key characteristics
YTD Return | 2.27% | 5.03% |
1Y Return | -1.64% | -2.09% |
3Y Return (Ann) | 4.30% | 9.61% |
5Y Return (Ann) | 10.21% | 7.57% |
Sharpe Ratio | -0.12 | -0.11 |
Daily Std Dev | 11.22% | 16.06% |
Max Drawdown | -26.67% | -89.62% |
Current Drawdown | -21.16% | -72.08% |
The correlation between VCMDX and GSG is 0.80, which is considered to be high. That indicates a strong positive relationship between their price movements. Having highly-correlated positions in a portfolio may signal a lack of diversification, potentially leading to increased risk during market downturns.
VCMDX vs. GSG - Performance Comparison
In the year-to-date period, VCMDX achieves a 2.27% return, which is significantly lower than GSG's 5.03% return. The chart below displays the growth of a $10,000 investment in both assets, with all prices adjusted for splits and dividends.
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VCMDX vs. GSG - Expense Ratio Comparison
VCMDX has a 0.20% expense ratio, which is lower than GSG's 0.75% expense ratio.
Risk-Adjusted Performance
VCMDX vs. GSG - Risk-Adjusted Performance Comparison
This table presents a comparison of risk-adjusted performance metrics for Vanguard Commodity Strategy Fund Admiral Shares (VCMDX) and iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG). Risk-adjusted metrics are performance indicators that assess an investment's returns in relation to its risk, enabling a more accurate comparison of different investment options.
VCMDX vs. GSG - Dividend Comparison
VCMDX's dividend yield for the trailing twelve months is around 2.44%, while GSG has not paid dividends to shareholders.
TTM | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
Vanguard Commodity Strategy Fund Admiral Shares | 2.44% | 2.50% | 14.21% | 30.56% | 0.50% | 0.60% |
iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% |
VCMDX vs. GSG - Drawdown Comparison
The maximum VCMDX drawdown since its inception was -26.67%, smaller than the maximum GSG drawdown of -89.62%. Use the drawdown chart below to compare losses from any high point for VCMDX and GSG. For additional features, visit the drawdowns tool.
VCMDX vs. GSG - Volatility Comparison
The current volatility for Vanguard Commodity Strategy Fund Admiral Shares (VCMDX) is 3.45%, while iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG) has a volatility of 5.52%. This indicates that VCMDX experiences smaller price fluctuations and is considered to be less risky than GSG based on this measure. The chart below showcases a comparison of their rolling one-month volatility.