Portfolio Analysis
This portfolio analysis tool allows you to backtest portfolio returns, drawdowns, various risk characteristics, and compare them to a benchmark.
What Is Portfolio Analysis?
Portfolio analysis is an examination of an investment portfolio to determine its suitability for a given investor's preferences. It evaluates the ability to meet the investment goals considering risk indicators of the portfolio holdings and their historical performance.
Your portfolio is currently empty. You can import symbols, add them manually, or select from an existing portfolio.
Portfolio Analysis Settings
Portfolio Asset Allocation
Performance Chart
Returns By Period
Monthly Returns
The table below presents the monthly returns of Portfolio, with color gradation from worst to best to easily spot seasonal factors. Returns are adjusted for dividends.
Expense Ratio
Below you can find the expense ratios of portfolio funds side-by-side and effortlessly compare their relative costs.
Risk-Adjusted Performance
Dividend yield
Drawdowns Chart
The Drawdowns chart displays portfolio losses from any high point along the way. Drawdowns are calculated considering price movements and all distributions paid, if any.
Worst Drawdowns
Volatility Chart
The chart below shows the rolling one-month volatility.