Compare and contrast key facts about The Kroger Co. (KR) and undefined (TROW).
Scroll down to visually compare performance, riskiness, drawdowns, and other indicators and decide which better suits your portfolio: KR or TROW.
KR vs. TROW - Performance Comparison
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Risk-Adjusted Performance
KR vs. undefined - Risk-Adjusted Performance Comparison
This table presents a comparison of risk-adjusted performance metrics for The Kroger Co. (KR) and undefined (undefined). Risk-adjusted metrics are performance indicators that assess an investment's returns in relation to its risk, enabling a more accurate comparison of different investment options.
KR vs. TROW - Drawdown Comparison
KR vs. TROW - Volatility Comparison
The Kroger Co. (KR) has a higher volatility of 7.30% compared to undefined (TROW) at 6.28%. This indicates that KR's price experiences larger fluctuations and is considered to be riskier than TROW based on this measure. The chart below showcases a comparison of their rolling one-month volatility.