Unlock pro-level of investing now
Enhanced features and tools designed for practitioner investors
5 watchlists
5 private portfolios
100 holdings per portfolio
200 calculations per month
40+ years of historical data
Advanced risk metrics
Ad free
Unlock limitless features tailored to meet the needs of sophisticated investors
10 watchlists
Unlimited private portfolios
500 holdings per portfolio
Unlimited monthly calculations
Export screener results
Import you own data
Priority support
Custom integrations for fund managers and financial service providers
10 watchlists
Unlimited private portfolios
500 holdings per portfolio
Unlimited monthly calculations
Export screener results
Import you own data
Gain free access to a wide range of professional-grade financial tools
1 watchlist
15 holdings per portfolio
10 calculations per month
10 years of historical data
Gain free access to a wide range of professional-grade financial tools
1 watchlist
15 holdings per portfolio
10 calculations per month
10 years of historical data

Available on every plan
Analyze market trends, stocks, funds, and any other data for the past 40+ years.
Portfolio Optimization
Grow your portfolio's earnings and keep risks low using:
Asset correlations
Risk parity models

Investment Analysis Tools
Reduce the risk of your portfolio's value dropping. Make informed decisions and use:
Risk analysis
Performance analysis
Asset correlations
Factor models

Portfolio Tracking
Track portfolio performance more precisely and explore the strategies of other investors with:
Static portfolios
Transactional portfolios
Public user portfolios

Search and analyze stocks and funds based on various financial, analytical, and technical indicators via:
Stock Screener
ETF Screener
Fund screener

Compare plans
Public user portfolios
Private user portfolios
Portfolio holdings
Static Portfolios
Transactional Portfolios
Advanced Portfolio Rebalancing
Bring Your Own Data
Basic Optimization Models
Risk Parity Models
Advanced Optimization Objectives
Stock Screener
ETF Screener
Mutualfund Screener
Advanced Risk Metrics
Screener Results Export
Calculations per month
Performance Analysis
Risk Analysis
Asset Correlation
Factor Model
Historical Data
Extended Lookback Periods
Advanced Tool Settings
Calculation Results Export
Community support
Email support
Ad free
API access

Frequently asked questions
You can create a free PortfoliosLab account and start using the service without any obligations. Upgrade your plan whenever you need
To find invoices go to your account settings and click "Manage Subscription and invoices":
We accept all major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal. All transactions are secure and processed through the Stripe platform
Upgrading your plan: your account will be upgraded and charges will be applied immediately. The amount due will be reduced based on the percentage of the billing cycle remaining at the time of the plan change.
Downgrading your plan: your account will be downgraded immediately. Any unused credit will be added to your balance and applied to future invoices.
Your subscription, whether annual or monthly, will automatically renew until canceled. To cancel your subscription, go to your account settings and click "Manage Subscription". After canceling, you will still have access to all paid the features until the end of your current billing cycle.

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