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The table below compares the performance and other essential indicators like dividend yield and expense ratio of undefined Large Cap Growth Equities ETFs.

Large-cap growth equities ETFs invest in a portfolio of large-cap stocks that are expected to grow faster than the overall market. Large cap refers to companies with a market capitalization of $10 billion or more, and growth relates to companies that are expected to have higher-than-average earnings growth.

These ETFs typically focus on companies in the technology, healthcare, and consumer discretionary sectors expected to benefit from long-term trends such as population growth, urbanization, and technological innovation. The companies in the portfolio of these ETFs are expected to have high revenue and earnings growth, and their stock prices are likely to rise along with their earnings.

Large Cap Growth ETFs are generally considered riskier than ETFs that invest in more established, blue-chip companies, but they also have the potential for higher returns.

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Category is Large Cap Growth Equities

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Risk vs. Return Scatterplot

The Risk vs. Return Scatterplot allows you to quickly compare funds, stocks, and ETFs in one view. It displays the yearly return of an instrument on one axis and the risk (volatility) on the other.

0%Annualized Volatility0%Annualized Return

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