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HL Optimised Tesla Equity
Risk-Adjusted Performance

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is not available


Performance Chart

The chart shows the growth of an initial investment of $10,000 in HL Optimised Tesla Equity, comparing it to the performance of the S&P 500 index or another benchmark. All prices have been adjusted for splits and dividends.

HL Optimised Tesla Equity
Benchmark (^GSPC)

Returns By Period

S&P 500
HL Optimised Tesla Equity0.00%0.00%0.00%36.43%109.00%N/A

Monthly Returns

The table below presents the monthly returns of HL Optimised Tesla Equity, with color gradation from worst to best to easily spot seasonal factors. Returns are adjusted for dividends.


Risk-Adjusted Performance

Risk-Adjusted Performance Rank

The current rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 28, indicating average performance compared to other portfolios on our website. Here’s a breakdown of how it compares using common performance measures.

The Risk-Adjusted Performance Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 2828
Overall Rank
The Sharpe Ratio Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 1616
Sharpe Ratio Rank
The Sortino Ratio Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 2020
Sortino Ratio Rank
The Omega Ratio Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 3030
Omega Ratio Rank
The Calmar Ratio Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 5252
Calmar Ratio Rank
The Martin Ratio Rank of HL Optimised Tesla Equity is 2323
Martin Ratio Rank
The risk-adjusted ranks indicate the investment's position relative to the market. A rank closer to 100 signifies top-performing investments, while a rank closer to 0 might suggest underperformance, based on the selected ratio. The values are calculated based on the past 12 months of returns.

There is not enough data available to calculate the Sharpe ratio for HL Optimised Tesla Equity. We calculate this metric based on the past 12 months of trading data. Please check back later for updated information.

Rolling 12-month Sharpe Ratio
HL Optimised Tesla Equity
Benchmark (^GSPC)


Dividend yield

HL Optimised Tesla Equity doesn't pay dividends


Drawdowns Chart

The Drawdowns chart displays portfolio losses from any high point along the way. Drawdowns are calculated considering price movements and all distributions paid, if any.

HL Optimised Tesla Equity
Benchmark (^GSPC)

Worst Drawdowns

The table below displays the maximum drawdowns of the HL Optimised Tesla Equity. A maximum drawdown is a measure of risk, indicating the largest reduction in portfolio value due to a series of losing trades.

The maximum drawdown for the HL Optimised Tesla Equity was 37.78%, occurring on May 19, 2021. Recovery took 111 trading sessions.



To Bottom


To Recover



-37.78%Jan 27, 202179May 19, 2021111Oct 25, 2021190
-33.12%Feb 20, 202031Apr 2, 20207Apr 14, 202038
-29.01%Sep 1, 202016Sep 23, 202040Nov 18, 202056
-28.44%Dec 28, 202353Mar 14, 202431Apr 29, 202484
-26.45%Sep 13, 202294Jan 13, 202314Jan 27, 2023108


Volatility Chart

The current HL Optimised Tesla Equity volatility is 9.74%, representing the average percentage change in the investments's value, either up or down over the past month. The chart below shows the rolling one-month volatility.

HL Optimised Tesla Equity
Benchmark (^GSPC)
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The information contained herein does not constitute investment advice and made available for educational purposes only. Prices and returns on equities are listed without consideration of fees, commissions, taxes, penalties, or interest payable due to purchasing, holding, or selling.

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