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Market filter for screeners

Scott AllenSeptember 05, 24 | Posted in general
It would be really helpful to have a market filter for both ETF and stock screeners. I keep getting a lot of pink sheets stocks in my screens, and I don't want them.
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Dmitry ShevchenkoSeptember 21, 24

Hi Scott, thanks for the suggestion. We've just added both market and stock exchange filter options to all screeners. The market filter corresponds to the country where the stocks are traded and includes all exchanges within that country.

For your use case, I think the exchange filter, like selecting NASDAQ or NYSE, might be more helpful. In the future, we probably need to add the ability to exclude certain values, so you could, for example, select the US market and exclude OTC exchanges. Let me know what you think.

Scott AllenSeptember 23, 24
This is a great start. But yes, what I really want is exactly what you described: US market and exclude OTC exchanges. With what you've got now, I can at least get the info I want, albeit in two screeners (or I guess I could do one screener, export it, and filter it in Excel).



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